Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.

> Dear READERS: i was driving home from work today and i think i've decided to quit my little shanagin. in past experiences things that start this way and then turn the way they have only end badly. i am paranoid. majorly. but i can't stand the way this whole thing is making me feel. im starting to feel the responsiblities i have coming up and its tuning out to be a whole hell of alot. why do i want to go into those with baggage? coz im stupid. but all things aside, i've grown into myself and as individual woman who relys on no one to make her happy but herself. and it's not easy letting people in like that beucase i have been at the extreme opposite end of that spectrum, being over dependant on someone. going back to that would be something i really dont want to see happen. and to aid in this thought process (reminder im driving in the car on my way home from work) every sad though provoking song seems to make it's way through my speakers.

> this is a very temporary head strong decision im sure. i over think things to the point of no return. my thought process is similar to a blender.

> you know what? i thought about blogging on at least 10 different occasions today.

> so as of right now: im completely done with even trying to figure things out but...

only time will tell,

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