Monday, April 20, 2009

The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.

>oh yah. weeds is the best sitcom in the history of sitcoms.

time has told,

Speak what you think today in hard words and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said today.

> when it rains

> it pours.

> really hard.

> =D about time biatches.

> you cant turn back the clock but you can wind it up again.. i've wound it up again let's see where this time around takes me.

only time will tell,

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say and not giving a damn.

Haven't blogged in agesssss.......

Here's whats been up:

> I found a house! Weee! It's almost scarey to have a definite direction now. There's no more turning back! With that said there's alot of lasts im experiencing which is so fun! Graduation is coming.. thankfully! I can't go to school and worry about the complex spanish structure when i know my little yellow house is waiting for me.

> The past few weeks have been wierd for me. Instead of being wrapped up in life and doing things i watched. it's interesting what you see when you havent anything invested in whats happening. I feel like i go to school with a bunch of immature idiots. oh wait... i am.

> I have also realized recently how much people come to me for advice. which i dont mind, i actually like it. but i ask myself: self... hahah.. why do people come to you for advice. if its becuase i've been there done that on all this shit than that blows! well its good for them but shit i've been through alot then. maybe i should write a book on how to: not sweat the small stuff... =)

> GET ME OUT OF STL. You find that as the year is dwindling down odd things happen. people that you havent talked to since freshman year break out of their shell and talk to you becuase they too have figured out we will all probably never see eachother again. so you see random people friending you and asking you on dates and sending you random texts. oh boy! FLORIDA HERE I COME.

> Purgatory: probably spelled that wrong but you know what i mean. this time before we all go to college and now is just like a dull rutt. everything is ending, but new things can't start because there isnt enough time left to deveolp them.

> Life is better when you believe you are the creator of your own happiness. also figured that out recently.

> Happy as hell right now. Hopefully it'll stay that way...

Only time will tell